Kingston College has been successful once again in securing Sport England funding for our Tackling Inactivity in Colleges project, keeping KC Active up and running- literally!

With the new academic year starting and new students joining us, lots has been going on behind the scenes to get everything set up and ready in the safest way possible to keep sessions available to students in order to support their physical activity, mental health and well-being.

This year KC Active will be a bit different, we will no longer be having an open timetable of sports and activities for students to ‘turn up and take part’, instead we will be running closed-group sessions where staff members can book their student groups into allotted time slots in the sports hall with the TIC Team.

For the time being, activities such as table tennis, badminton and short tennis are able to go ahead, with social distancing measures being followed and cleaning stations, bag drops and sanitizer points in place. As restrictions lift, more activities such as basketball and football will be able to be introduced. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to stay active as well as stay safe in their College social bubbles.

We look forward to working with students from across the College and providing them with ways to stay active and healthy, especially engaging with those who had little access to space and activity during lockdown.

We will keep everyone updated with any changes or additions to KC Active. If teaching staff want to book their group into a closed session please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Get active, stay active, KC Active.