Key Facts

Introduction To LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a professional business related social networking site where employers and employees can stay in touch and network with each other. LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network with over 575 million users Discover the features and benefits of LinkedIn on this one day workshop and how it can help you with your job search and networking.

  • Entry Requirements

    This workshop is open to anyone looking to change career or find out more about their employability options. Basic English and IT skills will be required.

  • Course Content

    This course will cover the following: What is LinkedIn? Understand how having a well-constructed LinkedIn profile can be a valuable tool for employment opportunities Demonstrate how to enhance a LinkedIn profile to showcase your best self to potential employers Recognise how LinkedIn can help create networks and make contacts

  • Progression Next Steps

    Join other workshops at the college to further enhance your employability skills such as job search and interviews skills. Also IT courses, distance learning and volunteering to gain valuable work experience and enhance your CV.

  • Course Structure

    The workshops are all delivered in groups ( approx 8-10 learners). Workshops run each term and last for 2 hours. They can be delivered in college or remotely. Learners are encouraged to participate in class activities and work in groups. Learners are given resources to take away after the workshops and are also invited to book a follow up one to one careers appointment if they wish.

  • Assessment Details

    There is no assessment