Key Facts

Introduction To Bookkeeping

A student completing this short course will develop an understanding of the role of the bookkeeper, including the need for confidentiality and accuracy in their work.

This may be for an organisation in the private sector for a limited company; the public sector for example the local authority or a school; or for a charity.
Each organisation may have different objectives but all require the services of bookkeepers.

  • Course Content

    Students will learn underpinning theory including:-

    The environment in which a bookkeeper works. Including how to work as a team.

    Using accounting terminology with the the use of a glossary of terms.

    To learn how to identify assets, liabilities, income and expenses.

    Create accounting documents and examine the various ways they are used.

  • Progression Next Steps

    You may wish to enrol on our accredited AAT Level 1 in Bookkeeping

  • Assessment Details

    You will be given feedback by your tutor.