“I think attending the FdA Art & Design is one of the best decisions I have made in many years. 

“Initially I was apprehensive of returning to studies through lack of confidence and minimal skills, I needn't have worried. The team of tutors guided me through each module and were there to help me at any stage if required. Not only are they adept with their teaching skills, but they also fully involve themselves with the students, continuously raising our confidence. As a result of this, I feel that I have produced work of a very high standard and that my knowledge of Art & Design has increased dramatically.

“I intend to carry on and complete the BA (Hons) Art & Design (Top-Up) degree at Kingston College, and am considering teaching as a profession or studying for a MA (both of which I had never considered before). I also intend to continue with my own independent work.” 

Chrystelle McClean, FdA Art & Design. Follow Chrystelle on her Instagram here