KC Active Basketball has been a great success so far this year, with over 480 attendances to our sessions.

Learners from all areas of the College have attended on both Tuesdays and Fridays, with some turning up to play games whilst others just want to shoot hoops.

Many of the students in the College originate from all over the globe and often communicating with one another is an issue that becomes a standard part of their day. Sport overcomes these barriers and allows students to integrate, whatever their subject; whatever their background. That is why we feel it is so special that a group of our regular attendees keep in touch via WhatsApp and organise themselves to play more basketball outside of College in their own free time at courts all over South London. Tiffin School, The Regal and Jordan Court as well as Canbury Gardens are just a few of the courts they frequent.

KC Active has not only been a safe space where students can de-stress and stay active but has provided an environment where like-minded students can interact, as well as form lasting and meaningful relationships beyond the academic focus of the College.

This exemplifies everything important about the ‘why’ behind KC Active.

More than the well-known physical benefits, e.g. healthy and strong heart, lungs and muscles, our sessions also provide psychological benefits e.g. can help reduce stress, symptoms of depression and anxiety, with the added social benefits of meeting new people and making friends.

KC Active Basketball is on hold during the exam period, however sessions will start back on Tuesdays 5pm-5.45pm and Fridays 12.30pm-1.15pm once exams are over. All abilities welcome, all equipment provided, turn up and take part!